Essential Fonts and Folders for Mac OS X, continued
Essential Fonts
You can turn a font on or off using Font Book, or any font management software, to customize what fonts appear in an application's font menu, or in the Font panel. You don't normally need to worry about which Mac OS X fonts you turn off or remove, unless you have a large font library or need to periodically activate various font sets. Fonts that are required by the system, such as Geneva.dfont, Keyboard.dfont, LastResort.dfont, and Lucida Grande.dfont, cannot be disabled.
However, some fonts that you can disable may be required by specific applications. For example, Terminal needs the Monaco font to function correctly.
The number of fonts installed by the Mac OS X Installer depends on which packages you selected when you installed Mac OS X. If you customized your installation, you may not have all of the fonts listed below. If you installed Mac OS X over a previous version of Mac OS X, you may have additional fonts installed. Here is a list of all the essential fonts that come with Mac OS X.
System Fonts (/System/Library/Fonts - cannot be disabled)
Apple LiGothic Medium.dfont |
Hiragino Mincho Pro W3.otf |
AppleGothic.dfont |
Hiragino Mincho Pro W6.otf |
AquaKanaBold.otf |
Keyboard.dfont |
AquaKanaRegular.otf |
LastResort.dfont |
Courier.dfont |
LiHei Pro.ttf |
Geeza Pro Bold.ttf |
LucidaGrande.dfont |
Geeza Pro.ttf |
Monaco.dfont |
Geneva.dfont |
Osaka.dfont |
Hei.dfont |
OsakaMono.dfont |
HelveLTMM |
STHeiti Light.ttf |
Helvetica LT MM |
STHeiti Regular.ttf |
Helvetica.dfont |
Symbol.dfont |
Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3.otf |
Times LT MM |
Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W6.otf |
Times.dfont |
Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std W8.otf |
TimesLTMM |
Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro W4.otf |
ZapfDingbats.dfont |
Library Fonts (/Library/Fonts - cannot be disabled)
AmericanTypewriter.dfont |
Futura.dfont |
Andale Mono |
Georgia |
Apple Chancery.dfont |
GillSans.dfont |
Apple Symbols.ttf |
HelveticaNeue.dfont |
Arial |
Herculanum.dfont |
Arial Black |
Hoefler Text.dfont |
Arial Narrow |
Impact |
Arial Rounded Bold |
Kai.dfont (Simplified Chinese) |
Baskerville.dfont |
MarkerFelt.dfont |
BigCaslon.dfont |
Optima.dfont |
Brush Script |
Papyrus.dfont |
Chalkboard.ttf |
Skia.dfont |
ChalkboardBold.ttf |
Times New Roman |
Cochin.dfont |
Trebuchet MS |
Comic Sans MS |
Verdana |
Copperplate.dfont |
Webdings |
Courier New |
Zapfino.dfont |
Didot.dfont |
Additional Fonts (/Library/Fonts - that can be disabled)
#Gungseouche.dfont |
Gurmukhi.ttf |
#HeadlineA.dfont |
HelveticaCY.dfont |
#PCmyoungjo.dfont |
InaiMathi.ttf |
#Pilgiche.dfont |
Krungthep.ttf |
AlBayan.ttf |
KufiStandarGK.ttf |
AlBayanBold.ttf |
LiSong Pro.ttf |
Apple LiSung Light.dfont |
MshtakanBold.ttf |
AppleMyungjo.dfont |
MshtakanBoldOblique.ttf |
ArialHB.ttf |
MshtakanOblique.ttf |
ArialHBBold.ttf |
MshtakanRegular.ttf |
Ayuthaya.ttf |
Nadeem.ttf |
Baghdad.ttf |
NewPeninimMT.ttf |
BiauKai.dfont |
NewPeninimMTBold.ttf |
CharcoalCY.dfont |
NewPeninimMTBoldInclined.ttf |
Corsiva.ttf |
NewPeninimMTInclined.ttf |
CorsivaBold.ttf |
NISC18030.ttf |
DecoTypeNaskh.ttf |
PlantagenetCherokee.ttf |
DevanagariMT.ttf |
Raanana.ttf |
DevanagariMTBold.ttf |
RaananaBold.ttf |
EuphemiaCASBold.ttf |
Sathu.ttf |
EuphemiaCASItalic.ttf |
Silom.ttf |
EuphemiaCASRegular.ttf |
STFangsong.ttf |
GenevaCY.dfont |
STKaiti.ttf |
GujaratiMT.ttf |
STSong.ttf |
GujaratiMTBold.ttf |
Thonburi.ttf |
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